Registration fees for Travis County
Base registration fee - varies by weight and class
Check out the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles’ registration fees.
In addition to the base registration fee, in Travis County you will pay:
- Fee to the Texas Department of Public Safety
- Local fees, including the county road and bridge, and child safety fund fees
- Processing and handling
- You will also owe your state inspection replacement fee or emissions inspection fee, which varies by vehicle class. Fee table available from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles at
- For credit card payments, $3 flat fee for a renewal $100 or less and an additional 3% on the amount owed for registrations above $100. (This money pays for card fees and the vendor that processes card payments for the tax office.) There is a $1 discount to renew online and no card fees. (We can only accept cash payment for permits.)
Cost of registration for a passenger vehicle or light truck
Your total registration fee in Travis County, as printed on the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles’ registration renewal notice, is usually around $70 to $80 for the typical passenger car or light truck.
Motorcycle or moped registration
Your total registration fee in Travis County, as printed on the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles’ registration renewal notice, is about $60.
Inspection replacement fees
State law requires us to collect state inspection replacement fee or emissions inspection fee for motor vehicles when you renew your annual registration. What you paid at the inspection station was for the inspection service. What you owe at the tax office is the actual state portion of the fee. For more information, visit
Late registration sticker renewal
The sticker renewal date stays the same. For example, if your sticker expired in January and you are renewing in March, your new sticker will still have the January renewal date. If you received a ticket for an expired sticker, you will owe a state penalty for being late.