Travis County Tax Office

Go paperless


There are a number of online services that are convenient and environmentally friendly.

  • Pay now by eCheck ($1) or credit card (3 percent)
  • Pay later by scheduling a future property tax payment by eCheck ($1) or credit card (3 percent)
  • Update your mailing address
  • Apply for a payment plan
  • Download tax bills or receipts
  • Enroll in a quarterly installment agreement for qualified senior, disabled and disabled veteran homesteads
  • Research property tax information
  • Sign-up for eBill



Frequently asked questions

Why doesn't the tax office automatically mail property tax receipts?


Mailing property tax receipts costs taxpayers $85,000 each year. The Texas property tax code does not require receipts be mailed and instead allows the tax office to provide them upon request. Online receipts are environmentally friendly, reduce costs, and allow taxpayers access to information 24/7.

Contact us for paper receipts and receipts for partial payments.

Do I have to enroll in property tax eBill services every year?


No. Once you enroll in our eBill service it will remain in place until you are no longer the owner or you contact us to cancel the service.

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